Delta 10 THC vs. Delta 8 THC
It’s been about a year since delta 8 flooded the hemp market and made what the experts call: a big boom. Naturally, it was time for another cannabinoid to come to disrupt this new equilibrium. Delta 10 is the new sexy thing, but how does it compare to delta 8? Delta 10 vs. delta 8; let’s get into what you need to know.
Are they related?
To make a long story short, yes!
As mentioned earlier, Delta 10 and Delta 8 are both cannabinoids part of the THC family. Delta 8 and Delta 10 are both naturally present in hemp and marijuana plant. Delta 8 is found in small quantities, and delta 10 is an accidental and rare sibling of delta 8.
What do they have in common?
Both cannabinoids have to be extracted and bred into the plant to get the quantity needed to manufacture the product.
Delta 8 is usually extracted from hemp to remain legal to be sold as a hemp product.
Delta 10 was accidentally discovered by Fusion Farms as a byproduct of a forest fire. In many cases, the traces of delta 10 are so small that laboratories mistake it for another compound. For this reason, it is extremely hard to extract.
Delta 10 and delta 8 are both psychoactive, as any member of the THC family. Contrary to delta 9, they are less potent and produce lesser, more enjoyable effects.
Additionally, both can be detected as delta 9 on a drug test, as tests do not make the difference between the type of THC detected.
Legal status
The cannabinoids are both federally legal under the 2018 Farm Bill. That being said they are both in the same grey area because they are psychoactive.
Some states have already reacted to the surge of Delta 8 and have made effort to restrict it, or outright ban it.
Although it is a new compound on the market, some legislators have made sure to include cannabinoids and compounds comparable to delta 8 in their bans and restrictions. Therefore, Delta 10 is legal in a few more states, but legislation may catch up to it quickly.
Endocannabinoid system
The research on the compounds is at a starting point and most of the theory about how Delta 8 and 10 interact with the brain relies on what we know about delta 9. So, take this with a grain of salt.
Both cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid system and bind with the CB1 and CB2 receptors. This system is integral to maintaining internal chemical and physiological balance.
Delta 10 vs. Delta 8: What are their main differences?
Chemical Structure
This may sound obvious, but both compounds are different isomers of the same plant. This means that their formula is similar but the arrangement and properties of their atoms are different.
This is a lot of words so here is a picture:
This may look very similar but, the different placement of their double bond changes the way it interacts with our receptors. And just like that, it’s legal and trendy!
Delta 8 and delta 10 are described as similar in high to delta 9, but less potent. Side effects are also reported less often for both cannabinoids.
But when looking closer, Delta 10 is described to have less of a sedative effect than delta 8.
While delta 8 promotes deep relaxation and could even serve as a sleeping aid, Delta 10 heightens focus, creativity, and energy, while producing a very weak euphoria. For this reason, delta 10 is described as a Sativa, and delta 8 as an Indica.
While both cannabinoids are considered to be the new hot stuff on the market, delta 10 is much more new. Experts have started to speak up about the need for regular testing in delta 8, to ensure potency, but also purity (absence of contaminants). Delta 8 brands are starting to set a standard of quality in response, but this process has not been started for all delta 10 brands.
For this reason, we encourage you to choose from brands that have been vetted and that make a point of being transparent.
Delta 10 vs. delta 8: Which is right for me?
The main factor you will need to look at while shopping for the right THC for you is the effects you are wanting to experience from the product. As stated above, delta 10 is more of a Sativa, and delta 8 would be an Indica.
If you’re searching for a fun, replacing experience, try Delta 8!
If you want something that gives you a bit of boost, try Delta 10!
Different cannabinoids have different effects on different people. If the first you try does not give you full satisfaction, don’t hesitate to try the other.
As always, make sure to talk to your doctor before starting on any new supplements and make sure you buy products from reliable sources.