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How Long Does Delta-10 Stay in Your System?

Delta-10 THC is one of the most exciting new cannabinoids available on the market today. 

But all this newness means users have questions. How does delta-10 THC work? How long does it stay in your system? Will it stay in your system for long enough to make you fail a drug test?

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but hey, it can only benefit the cannabis connoisseur. If you’re wondering how long delta-10 stays in your system, stay tuned — because we’ll be providing an in-depth answer here.  

  • How long does delta-10 stay in your system? The basics
  • How long do delta-10 vapes stay in your system?
  • How long do delta-10 tinctures stay in your system?
  • How long do delta-10 edibles stay in your system?
  • How long do delta-10 gummies stay in your system?
  • What does delta-10 THC do once it’s in your system?
  • How to keep delta-10 THC in your system for longer
  • Delta-10 THC and drug testing

How long does delta-10 stay in your system? The basics

Delta-10 THC is a newly popular cannabinoid that comes from the same hemp plant as CBD, delta-8 THC, and others. It actually has the very same chemical structure as both delta-8 and delta-9 THC. The only difference between it and them is the position of a certain chemical bond. [1]

Delta-10’s chemical makeup means it acts a lot like other cannabinoids…including its tendency to stay in your system for a long, long time. A single dose can stay in your system for hours; habitual users might find that D10 stays in their system for days. 

This timeframe varies depending on several factors, including one’s age, weight, sensitivity, and the delivery method they’re using. Let’s take a look at how things vary based on delivery method next. 

How long do delta-10 vapes stay in your system?

Vape pens tend to kick in faster than any other type of product. That also means they tend to leave your system faster. Most users find that the delta-10 THC in a vape product stays in their system for 4-5 hours. Onset time is just a few minutes, and peak effects come within an hour. 

Delta-10 vape effects: the stats

  • Onset time: 1-2 minutes
  • Peak effects: 30-60 minutes
  • Stays in system for: 4-5 hours

Delta-10 vapes: top products

We don’t currently carry any D10 vapes at DD8 Shop. Stay tuned by visiting this page, however, as that might change in the near future! 

How long do delta-10 tinctures stay in your system?

Delta-10 tinctures last longer than vape pens do — and they kick in faster than edibles do. In a sense they present users with the very best of both worlds. They’re also super easy to dose properly. Just calculate how much delta-10 THC you’re getting per drop, then have at it!  

Pro tip: to have your D10 tincture kick in faster, hold it under your tongue as you would with any other sublingual. And to have your D10 tincture kick in stronger, just eat it alongside a fatty meal. [2]

Delta-10 tincture effects: the stats

  • Onset time: 5-20 minutes
  • Peak effects: 30-90 minutes
  • Stays in system for: 5-8 hours

Top delta-10 tincture: Delta Effex Delta 10 THC Tincture Oil Vibin’

Delta Effex Delta 10 THC Blueberry OG Tincture features pure delta-10 THC, Sour Blueberry terpenes, and a whole lot of good vibes. Its Sativa-esque qualities mean it’s able to invigorate, inspire, and energize! 

The stats:

  • Size: 30 milliliters
  • Strength: 1000 milligrams total cannabinoids per bottle
  • 33 milligrams total cannabinoids per serving
    • 23mg of delta-8 per serving
    • 10mg of delta-10 per serving

The ingredients:

  • Ful spectrum hemp extract
  • MCT oil
  • Hempseed oil
  • Delta-8 THC
  • Delta-10 THC
  • Sour diesel terpenes
  • Blueberry OG terpenes

How to experience awesome results:

Consume half of a full dropper to establish your tolerance level. Increase your dose by a little bit each day until desired effects are acquired. 

How long do delta-10 edibles stay in your system?

Edibles differ from both vapes and tinctures when it comes to how long they stay in your system. While vapes and tinctures give your body access to pure delta-10 THC, the way edibles are processed means they convert into other THC-like molecules once inside your body. These molecules provide D10 edibles with stronger, spacier, and longer-lasting effects. 

D10 edibles also kick in super slowly. If you’re new to trying them, don’t try to dose them by feel, otherwise you might realize you took way too much way too late! Instead just take a predetermined dose of, say, 5-15 milligrams. 

It’s not uncommon for someone to take an edible, not feel anything for a few hours…and then experience a wave of euphoria once they eat their next meal. (This happens because dietary fat boosts the absorption of cannabinoids.) Sometimes this wave is, well, a little too high. You’ve been warned! 

Delta-10 edibles effects: the stats

  • Onset time: 30-90 minutes
  • Peak effects: 60-120 minutes
  • Stays in system for: 5-12+ hours

Delta-10 edibles: top products

As of right now, all of our D10 edibles take the form of delta-10 gummies. More on those next. 

How long do delta-10 gummies stay in your system?

Delta-10 gummies may kick in slightly faster than ‘regular’ delta-10 edibles, but they still follow a similar effects curve that doesn’t peak for several hours. 

Delta-10 gummies effects: the stats

  • Onset time: 30-60 minutes
  • Peak effects: 60-90 minutes
  • Stays in system for: 5-8+ hours

Delta-10 gummies: top products

Check out our top ten list of delta-10 gummies by clicking here, or browse around our full D10 gummy selection for yourself by clicking here. Between 10+ premium offerings from several premium brands, we think you’ll find a product that works well for you! 

What does delta-10 do once it’s in your system?

Just like virtually every other cannabinoid that starts with the letter T, delta-10 THC binds to your endocannabinoid system’s CB1 receptors. These receptors are located throughout various parts of your brain and in several vital organs. They even show up within your energy-producing mitochondria! [3

When delta-10 THC activates these receptors, good things happen. Your brain becomes able to send electrical messages more gracefully; your body begins producing more energy and churning out more antioxidants. It’s a difference you can feel, though you might not be able to put precise words to it. Many D10 users report being in a state of flow that’s completely free of worry or distress.  

How does delta-10 compare to other cannabinoids when it comes to endocannabinoid system interactions? Have a look:

CBD Delta-8 Delta-9 Delta-10
CB1 receptors (brain) No Yes Yes Yes
CB2 receptors (body) Yes Yes No No
TRPV1 receptors Yes Yes Yes Yes
Serotonin receptors No Yes Yes Yes
Does it get you high? No Yes (Indica-style high) Yes Yes (Sativa-style high)


Delta-10’s activity within the endocannabinoid system — and other systems — is the catalyst for a whole bunch of positive side effects. Here are some of them:

  • Positivity
  • Creativity
  • Contentment
  • Increased appetite
  • Increased motivation
  • An urge to brainstorm
  • Improved proprioception
  • Enhanced stress tolerance

How delta-10’s effects vary: experienced users vs. inexperienced users

Delta-10’s qualities can also change depending on how experienced you are with other cannabinoids. Here’s how. 

How long D10 stays in your system: experienced users

The more you use cannabis or hemp products, the more efficient your body’s enzymes get at breaking down, using, and disposing of cannabinoids. That means delta-10 THC likely won’t stay in the system of an experienced user as you might think. 

Well, not active within your endocannabinoid system, at least. But it’s still possible that experienced users will have greater amounts of delta-10 and other cannabinoids deposited in their body’s fat stores.  

How long D10 stays in your system: inexperienced users

Inexperienced users should approach delta-10 with a healthy dose of respect. Why? Because it can get you really high for really long if you’re not careful! The less experienced one is with delta-10, the longer it’s likely to stay in their body. That’s because the body’s endocannabinoid breakdown enzymes adapt to their environment over time, upregulating or downregulating depending on the extent to which they’re needed. 

If you’re brand-new to delta-10 THC, have fun with it, but just start slow. Anywhere from 5-15 milligrams is a great starting point. This type of dosage will still stay active and uplifting for a few hours! 

How to keep delta-10 THC in your system for longer

There’s another thing you should know about how long delta-10 stays in your system: it’s not set in stone. You can either speed up or lengthen out the duration of its effects. Since no one (no one we know, at least) wants the fun to be over sooner, let’s take a look at 3 simple ways to keep delta-10 in your system for longer amounts of time. 

Eat it with a fatty meal

Pairing cannabinoids with healthy fats (think butter, olive oil, and coconut oil) allow it to stay in your system for longer amounts of time. These types of fats also amplify any given cannabinoid’s best qualities. 

Eat it with citrus fruits

It’s thought that the terpenes present in citrus fruits allow cannabinoids to enter your brain more readily, and this concept likely applies to delta-10 THC, too. 

Level up your lifestyle

You don’t have to do anything fancy, just get moving! Studies show that everything from cycling to running to yoga may provide your body with a boost of endocannabinoids. When endocannabinoids are being used, phytocannabinoids like delta-10 THC aren’t — allowing it to work its magic for the long run. [4

Delta-10 THC and drug testing

Post-consumption, delta-10 THC is thought to stay in your saliva for one day, your blood for two days, and your urine for up to 48 days. It might not stick around for quite as long if you only used it once or twice…but when it comes to drug testing, better safe than sorry. 

Despite delta-10’s A-okay legal status, it will still get flagged on a drug test. Standard drug testing protocols just haven’t yet caught up to the legality of these newfound hemp-derived cannabinoids. 

If you’re getting drug tested for work, we’d recommend you opt for a gentler alternative. And it’s never a bad idea to talk to your employer about your (legal) cannabinoid use. 

Summing things up

Delta-10 THC can stay in your system for just as long as it’s needed. Its duration of effects can vary depending on your bodytype, cannabis/hemp experience, and a whole bunch of other factors. Most products will stay in your system for more than 4 hours and less than 12 hours. 

But don’t feel the need to analyze things too much. The beauty of delta-10 and other hemp-derived ‘altnoids’ is that you’re free to just sit back and enjoy the ride! 

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